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Amazing new photos and articles!

Unlocking the Mysteries of Science

Collaborate to with other students around the globe

Create fascinating new apps and have them published

Let us know what type of app you want to begin working on and we will direct you to local schools, clubs and other resources.  



Robotic clubs are forming everywhere.  We will give you the basics on how to start your projects.  Join local clubs and contact your schools for more information on robotic clubs near you!

Recent articles, publications and projects!

All Things Mars!

In an effort to gain a better understanding of Mars here are some recent news articles and publications. Be sure to check out our awesome projects!

Space Outreach through Art

We can work with your team and collaborate! Our goal is to provide free educational outreach. We plan to create online art projects and  interactive games that teach kids about STEM and STEAM online so get involved now ...Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math for all.

Ever wonder what the future might look like?

Take a sneak peak: 

Art and Music

 New art projects ideas for educators, space music,

and free give-aways! Menu accessible on mobile devices.

Download original space music!  Free download page coming soon.

"A picture is a poem without words”

- Horace


Learn About Rover Competitions!

Are you interested in robotics and engineering? Here's your chance to show if you've got what it takes! Enter the rover competition!

Amateur Rocket Competition


Ever dream of building spaceships?

Get in Touch

Contact Us

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STEM and STEAM competitions

Learn more about STEM and STEM competitions around 

the world.

Let us know if you want your project listed.  Free resources 

for students,  schools, and hobbyists!

How Do I Become An Astronaut?

Original artwork
by V. Brooks ©️2018.   

Learn about what it takes to be an astronaut.

Inspiring the leaders of tomorrow!



We focus on STEAM and STEM outreach that inspires the next science leaders of tomorrow by helping them to create amazing projects and conduct new scientific research.


Our research aims to understand the concepts and mechanisms which underly the complexities of science. We use advanced techniques and technologies to explore and investigate the scientific hypotheses that research leads to.


We inspire others to use their imaginations, learn science and have fun innovating new technologies.  Let us know how we can help and join our collaborative international teams and welcome other organizations like 


Space Events

Watch student space launches.  We will keep you posted on live events.



Learn about Rocketry Clubs 

Start learning about the basics of rockets and learn how you might be able to launch your own and watch space events, including student space launches around the world.

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